Waste Management
We are in Heiligerberg implementing the zero-waste technology aiming to achieve best environment company within the region, we recycle all waste components from all waste stream to be useful again, most of our waste become an energy or an alternative fuel for many industries within the region. We in Heiligerberg walking hand in hand with sustainable energy, we challenge ourselves in every project to produce best outcome, we here give you this dare too.

Heiligerberg facilities within the region are equipped with the utmost professional skilled certified manpower and handlers for all kind of waste stream, the harshest toxic, hazardous and chemical waste produced by our clients, are handled efficiently by Heiligerberg employees.
Our licensed “approved” interim store allow us to collect & maneuver as well as to segregate waste either for local treatment or alternative fuel or to export to our partners “Remondis in Germany”
Countless of our local and international clients are depending on our services, hence Heiligerberg providing always best performance and environmental solutions to add more value to the client’s mission of eliminating waste in environmentally friendly fashion
Heiligerberg will evaluate the waste quantity in each location and will provide appropriate type and no of skips / containers for the collection of the waste streams included in this offer
Client shall make the collection request thru Bolisaty System at least 48 hrs during business hours prior to the requested collection of waste.
Client staff is collecting and storing the Chemical Waste included in this offer in one location inside their facility.
Client staff is listing and preparing the stored Chemical Waste prior to the pickup appointment from Heiligerberg.
Heiligerberg will pick up / collect the Chemical Waste by a special vehicle (pick up time is to arrange)
The handing over will be done with a loading list as a taking over document/ Pick Up Note signed by both parties.
Heiligerberg transports the Chemical Waste from the Client’s Facility to its Interim Store
For proper segregation and re-packing based on the Receiving Facility’s packaging requirement.
Heiligerberg transports Chemical Waste to the Receiving Facility.
Receiving Facility arranges the treatment / final disposal of the Waste and
completes the Waste Manifest