Established in 1993

HeiligerBerg UAE rank among leading medium scale civil & electrical as well as services provider in the Oil & Gas, chemical and energy industry.

Heliger is now consider the leading company in water treatment and waste management, however when it come  to recycle, we in Heligerberge providing our customers with additional support regarding all hazardous chemical waste, through all its activities, starting with collection, packing, loading, handling, transportation and treatment or safety disposal

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Therasa Napolitano


Dima Kreit


Ceo’s Mission Statement

To provide our clients with the highest standard of service and safety accustomed integrated solution in fields of transportation, construction, electrical & instrumentation as well as Water Treatment and Waste Management.

We stand out for project management competence, reliability and flexibility providing a dynamic and challenging environment to our employees. This will help us in being performance leader, and deliver operational excellence to meet or exceed our commitments in the full service concept and fulfill our vision

Electrical & Instrumentation
Water & Sewage Treatment
Waste Management

Transport USA

Oil & Gas Services


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